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Strike a blow for curbside justice with our Parking Citation Note Pad!

Inconsiderate parkers beware! No longer can you cause misery without suffering the consequences of our passively-aggressive Parking Citation Nifty Notes!

Use this fun (and oddly therapeutic) notepad to clue people in on how awful and inconsiderate their car parking habits are. Each sheet left under a windshield wiper is a victory for decent car owners everywhere!

  • Parking Citation Nifty Notes
  • Modern-day social etiquette for the (m)asses
  • Appropriately sets the tone for the complaint: 'It seems you've had some trouble not parking like an idiot. Next time, please imagine how a responsible grownup would park. Then do that.'
  • Simply fill out the pertinent information: Location, Date, and then go checkbox happy, ticking off the infractions(s) such as: double-parking, parking over the lines, having a regrettable bumper sticker, driving and ego machine, and more!
  • Oh yeah, and: there are several blank lines to add color or detail other acts of douchiness never encountered before!
  • A fun gift for fed-up responsible drivers everywhere!

These notes are just a little reminder that they're being watched and judged by the parking gods! Let's keep some sanity in this crazy world!

Paper. 50- sheets. Our Parking Citation Nifty Notes notepad measures 5.25 inches long x 4 inches wide.