Your car has been smelling funny lately, but our Rubber Chicken Air Freshener by Archie McPhee will make it smell downright hilarious!
Lucky for you (and for your unsuspecting passengers) this particular rubber chicken smells like bubblegum and not real chicken. But then again why would a rubber chicken smell like real chicken? And if we made it to smell like rubber that wouldn't be very funny, now would it.
Afterall, the secret to comedy is the element of surprise, and what better way to get a chuckle form your carpool gang than with a funky chicken air freshener that fills the car with a nostalgic scent. No harm, no fowl!
What we simply have here is a six inch tall rubber chicken that smells like bubblegum and signals to the world that you are a person of taste, distinction and good humor.
No joke..
For correct usage, hang this product so that it can swing freely. Do not put this product in contact with plastic, wood, cloth or any other easily stained material. Do not rest this product on dashboard or air vents.
This fresh take on the classic comedian vaudville prop is the perfect gift for your dad humor loving pals!
Bubblegum scented. Measures approximately 6 inches long. Made of heavy card stock, and string for hanging included. Please feed the string through the provided hole, and be careful not to choke the chicken. Our inner 12 year old thinks we're hilarious and we're sure our Rubber Chicken Air Freshener by Archie McPhee will become an instant classic.